Tag: penne

Creamy One Pot Pasta With Chicken And Mushrooms Recipe

Creamy One Pot Pasta With Chicken And Mushrooms Recipe

In just 30 minutes you can easily and quickly prepare this creamy one pot pasta with chicken and mushrooms recipe that is super delicious and makes the perfect meal. Your gonna love this 30-minute one-pot chicken pasta meal! So creamy and packed with flavor with 

Älplermagronen (Swiss Alpine Macaroni  And Cheese Recipe)

Älplermagronen (Swiss Alpine Macaroni And Cheese Recipe)

This Älplermagronen, Swiss alpine macaroni and cheese recipe is super easy and quick to make and is super yummy. Älplermagronen (Älplermagroni) is Switzerland’s version of our North American Mac and Cheese but with a twist, Macaroni or Penni, Cheese, Potato, and Applesauce. The Älplermagronen applesauce